Today, India is the largest producer of milk and that is because more and more enterprising dairy farmers are choosing to grow into professionally organized, quality conscious, commercial outfits, adopting modern milking and dairy technology. For these ambitious dairy farms, GEMAK offers fully automated and suitably designed dairy farming systems, which match operations of different sizes, that can be progressively up-scaled.

Solutions for Big / Commercial Dairy Farms

Parallel Parlours

Parallel Parlours

Take full advantage of the complete and intelligent GEMAK Farm Management System. With ID, Milk Point Controllers, ICAR approved milk-meters and DelPro Herd Management software you'll have all data and analytics about your herd at your finger tips. Alternatively start simply with the automatic cluster removers and milk yield indicators and over time upgrade to a more advanced system. DeLaval parlours put you and your animals at the heart of your dairy operation, regardless of the size of your herd.

  • Up to 2,000 herd size mega farms
  • Fast-throughput and exceptional cow comfort
  • Operator friendly and integrated automation
  • Robust and reliable and fast installation
  • High safety for milkers and spacious turning area
  • Different capacity levels to suit needs of farms

Herringbone Parlours

Our Herringbone parlours are designed to improve animal comfort and better milker interaction. The labour-efficient parlours promote calm and harmonious cow traffic resulting in short but effective and stress-free milking sessions.

  • Optimal labour efficiency – Shorter milking sessions
  • Full automation. Different levels of control.
  • Front exit for fast exit of animals
  • Free hanging / suspended parlour stalling
  • Closer to milker – safer and more comfortable milking
  • Low-line milking system
  • Excellent cow positioning
  • Strong and durable & In parlour feeding option
  • Maximize capacity in existing space
Herringbone Parlours
MidiLine Parlours

MidiLine Parlours

GEMAK's Midiline Parlours are low input, high throughput milking systems, which help growing dairy farms use time and resources efficiently, by making automation affordable. This is a cluster efficient solution. Clusters are positioned in the middle of the pit, which swing over to serve both sides of the pit.

  • Up to 300 herd size

Speedline Parlours

Speedline Parlours are entry-level pipeline operated / equipped, mechanized milking systems for high quality clean milk, ideal for medium size dairy farms with a herd size of 50-100. Speedline parlours are highly recommended for progressive dairy farmers who are keen on switching from bucket milking to mechanized milking to expand their operations. GEMAK's Speedline parlours have been specially developed for countries like India and facilitate rapid growth of herds with the help of latest milking technology. Future upgradation to complete automation is also possible.

  • Completely untouched, high quality clean milk
  • Convenient for milker
  • Less manpower for same work
  • Mechanized cleaning in place – CIP
  • Clean equipment and pipeline
  • Existing bucket machine components can be used, if available
  • Payback period of about 2 years
  • Easy to upgrade further with low investment
Herringbone Parlours

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